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axon sport performance


Faster, Stronger &

     More Explosive 



  1. You enter your destination - tell us what you want (your goals)

  2. We find your current location - what you need to get what you want

  3. We give you the fastest route - custom training program that gets you what you want



If you want more speed, power, and endurance our methods can facilitate improvements in a very aggressive fashion yielding high level results faster than any traditional method.  You already know you must work hard to achieve your goals, but working exceptionally smart while working hard is the added bonus; it’s what we can offer you better than anyone else.  Most athletes and coaches are happy with a 2 - 4 % increase in performance in one year.  We see that in weeks.


Our philosophy is to continually evolve, continually grow, and continually seek mastery over the human body.  This is why we investigate everything, overlook nothing, and optimize each ingredient necessary for human performance.  Whether you’re on the court, field, track, or ice you’ve just discovered the best navigation system to get you to the next level!



Ready to exceed your goals and start dominating?






Our training: A GPS in 3 simple steps:

Stop being fooled into thinking that mere movement is progress. We're all busy with movement and working on something or another; the real question is are you training in the most effective manner and is that training directly inline with your goals? If not, there is a better way.


- Coach John AXON SP Founder

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